Thanks for looking into donating money to JumboCast!
JumboCast is currently a Tufts University student organization, meaning we currently recieve a yearly budget from the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate. While we are incredibly grateful for this opportunity, the budget we are provided is not always enough to cover everything we would like to bring to our audience.
Additionally, our budget mandates that we reach a certain level of income to give back to the TCU. Any donations made can be applied to this mandatory income which will prevent our budget from being decreased in the future.
We are very pleased to provide JumboCast as a free service to anyone and everyone that wishes to use it. Any and all donations help us keep it that way. Some other athletic webcast providers charge per game or have a subscription service. Our hope is to avoid going that route, and you can help ensure that.
At this time, we accept any donations via check. Please make the check out to “Trustees of Tufts College” and put “JumboCast #336” on the memo line. The address we have these sent to changes year-to-year. To find out where you can send a check, please send an email to You can also email here if you have any questions/concerns.
Thanks in advance for any amount you can contribute. It will help us keep bringing you Tufts sports over the web!